The Palm Tanager is a medium size song bird that lives in the tropical Americas. They are commonly seen at the edge of the forest but they also live in the forest canopy deep in the interior of the forest. Palm Tanagers normally travel in pairs but they also can be found in small groups if there is an abundance of food.

The Palm Tanager is mostly olive green but their flight feathers and tail feathers are black. This color combination sometimes giving the bird a look of half green and half black. The males and female essentially look alike but the female color is slightly duller.

As the name would suggest, the Palm Tanager enjoys hanging out in palm trees. Sometimes these birds are frequently unnoticed because their olive green plumage blend into the background of the forest.

Their diet is roughly about half fruits and half insects, spiders and caterpillars.

The following picture is one of my favorites because I took this photo while it was raining. The Palm Tanager is wet with small drops of water on the body and the raindrops can be seen as small streaks in the background of the picture. Additionally, one of the Palm Tanagers feathers is about to fall off which is something that is unusual to see.

About this Bird

Family: Tanager

Location: Tropical forests of northern South America and the Southern part of Central America.

Size: 7 inches and weighs less than 2 ounces.

Diet: Balanced between fruit and insects/spiders

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