Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was the first in a series of five Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The movie was released in 2003 and was filmed primarily in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The movie setting of Port Royal was built at Wallilabou Bay in St. Vincent and the dock and façade of the port town were left in tack for visitors to experience.

The movie set for the dock and the waterfront pier are shown in the set of photos below.

The façade of the port town and some of the decorations in the streets and bar are shown in the next few photos.

In addition to the movie set there are some posters with photos of the movie characters and a description of the characters role in the movie. These posters are shown below.

The Dust on My Shoes

This is one of those places that you get out of it what you put into it. It is a movie set and nothing is real and there is not too much left of how the movie set looked in the movie.

I thought it was great that the movie set was filmed at a real place instead of a Hollywood creation. While walking along the waterfront it didn’t take a lot of imagination to see pirate ships anchored in the harbor and the town being a haven for the rough sailors of that time period.

The area is completely open to the public and there are no formal tours. You are on your own to wander around and interact with the move props. It was fun to imagine what it looked like during the filming and it was fun to walk around a place that I remembered from the movie.

One thing that I enjoy about being able to walk around a movie set is that it makes me feel like I have a closer connection with the movie than just seeing the movie on the big screen.